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Duck Hearts
Breaded Squids
Serrano Plate
Homemade Smoked Salmon
AllergenlisteHomemade Duck Foie Gras
Serrano and Cheese Plate
Anchois, Câpres, Olives, Emmental, Origan / Anchovies, Capers, Olives, Cheese, Oregano
AllergenlisteTomates fraîches, Pesto, Mozzarella / Tomato Slices, Mozzarella, Pesto
AllergenlisteMerguez, Poivrons, Chorizo, Emmental / Merguez, Peppers, Chorizo, Cheese
AllergenlisteJambon Blanc, Champignons, Emmental, Œuf / Ham, Mushrooms, Cheese, Egg
AllergenlisteLardons, Pommes de terre, Emmental, Persillade / Bacon, Potatoes, Cheese, Parsley
AllergenlisteRoquefort, Crème, Emmental / Roquefort, Cream, Cheese
AllergenlisteJambon Blanc, Champignons, Poivrons, Artichauts, Emmental / Ham, Mushrooms, Peppers, Artichokes, Cheese
AllergenlisteChèvre, Pomme, Miel, Emmental / Goat Cheese, Apple, Honey, Cheese
AllergenlisteJambon Blanc, Champignons, Ananas, Emmental / Ham, Mushrooms, Pineapple, Cheese
AllergenlisteJambon blanc, Champignons, Œuf, Emmental / Ham, Mushrooms, Egg, Cheese
AllergenlisteSaumon, Crème Fraîche, Emmental / Salmon, Cream, Cheese
AllergenlisteChorizo, Champignons, Oignons, Emmental, Persillade / Chorizo, Mushrooms, Onions, Cheese, Parsley
AllergenlistePepperoni, Mozzarella, Basilic / Pepperoni, Mozzarella, Basil
AllergenlisteBœuf haché, Oignons Rouges, Tabasco, Emmental, Œuf / Beef, Red Onions, Tabasco, Cheese, Egg
AllergenlisteLardons, Chorizo, Jambon Blanc, Œuf, Emmental / Bacon, Ham, Chorizo, Egg, Cheese
AllergenlisteMerguez, Champignons, Oignons, Crème, Emmental, Persillade / Merguez, Onions, Cream, Cheese, Parsley
AllergenlisteLardons, Chèvre, Champignons, Oignons, Emmental, Persillade / Bacon, Goat Cheese, Mushrooms, Onions, Cheese, Parsley
AllergenlisteChèvre, Aubergines, Poivrons, Câpres, Olives, Emmental / Goat Cheese, Eggplant, Peppers, Capers
AllergenlisteBasquaise, Serrano, Brebis, Œuf, Piment d’Espelette / Basquaise Sauce, Serrano, Ewe Cheese, Egg, Espelette Pepper
AllergenlisteBasquaise, Lomo, Piquillos, Œuf, Piment d’Espelette, Emmental / Basquaise Sauce, Lomo, Piquillos, Egg, Espelette Pepper, Egg
AllergenlisteCrème Moutardée, Poulet, Oignons, Œuf, Emmental / Mustard Cream, Chicken, Onions, Egg, Cheese
AllergenlisteCamembert, Bleu, Chèvre, Emmental / Camembert, Blue, Goat, Cheese
AllergenlisteCrème Moutardée, Ventrèche, Camembert, Pommes de Terre, Oignons, Œufs, Emmental / Mustard Cream, Bacon, Camembert, Potatoes, Onions, Egg, Cheese
AllergenlisteLardons, Pommes de Terre, Champignons, Oignons, Emmental, Persillade / Bacon, Potatoes, Mushrooms, Onions, Cheese, Parsley
AllergenlisteCrème Moutardée, Chorizo, Poulet, Aubergines, Tomates, Œuf, Emmental
AllergenlisteSerrano, Lardons, Reblochon, Pommes de Terre, Oignons, Emmental / Bacon, Reblochon, Potatoes, Onions, Cheese, Serrano
AllergenlisteCrème Pesto, Magret, Chèvre, Tomates, Mozzarella, Roquette / Pesto Cream, Duck Breast, Goat Cheese, Tomato Slices, Mozzarelle, Rucula
AllergenlisteCrème Pesto, Coppa, Tomates Fraîches, Parmesan, Roquette / Pesto Cream, Coppa, Tomato Slices, Parmesan, Rucula
AllergenlisteMoules, Crevettes, Chipirons, Persillade, Emmental / Mussels, Shrimps, Squids, Parsley, Cheese
AllergenlisteLégumes / Mixed Vegetables
Toasts de chèvre, Serrano, Amandes, Tomates, Pomme, Miel / Goat Cheese Toasts, Serrano, Almonds, Tomatoes, Apple, Honey
AllergenlisteSalade Romaine, Poulet, Anchois, Croûtons, Parmesan, Egg, Sauce Caesar / Chicken, Anchovies, Parmesan, Bread, Egg, Caesar Topping
AllergenlisteTomates, Asperges, Gésiers, Magret Fumé Maison, Pignons de Pin, Foie Gras / Duck Breast, Pine nuits, Foie Gras Toasts, Asparagus, Duck Gizzards
AllergenlisteCamembert Rôti, Ventrêche, Toasts, Persillade / Camembert, Bacon, Parsley
AllergenlisteMoules, Chipirons, Crevettes / Mussels, Squids, Shrimps
AllergenlisteSauce au foie gras, Magret, Pignons de pin / Foie Gras Sauce, Duck Breast, Pine Nuts
AllergenlisteChicken, Cream, Mushrooms
AllergenlisteCrème, Lardons, Reblochon / Cream, Bacon, Reblochon Cheese
AllergenlisteMeat Lasagna
AllergenlisteSalmon Spinash Lasagna
AllergenlisteMussels, French Fries
AllergenlisteSea Bream
AllergenlisteSea Bass
AllergenlisteSerrano, Poivrons, Oignons, Gremolata / Squids, Serrano, Peppers, Onions
AllergenlisteMixed Fishes
AllergenlisteMoules, chipirons, gambas / Mussels, Squids, Prawns
AllergenlisteFlank Steak
Rib Steak
A préparer, préparé, poêlé / Beef Tartar
Prime Rib 1Kg to Share
Duck Confit
Cœurs, Magret, Aiguillettes, Sauce Foie Gras / Duck Breast, Fillet, Hearts, Foie Gras Sauce
Whole Duck Breast
Veal Escalope, Cream and Mushrooms
Serrano, Emmental, Sauce Marsala, Linguine / Veal Escalope, Serrano, Marsala Sauce
Breaded Veal Escalope, Bolognese Linguine
Pork Fillet, Cream Honey Cinnamon Sauce
Maxi Beef ans Duck Skewer
Mixed Grilled Meat
Kid’s Menu
Rhum agricole, sirop de sucre de canne, citron vert
Rhum bacardi carta blanca, jus de citron vert, sirop de sucre
Rhum bacardi carta blanca, menthe, sucre roux, citron vert, angostura bitter
Rhum agricole, ananas, coco, cannelle
Rhum bacardi carta ora, jus de citron vert, bitters, coca cola
Rhum bacardi, jus de citron vert , sirop de sucre, menthe fraiche, champagne
Rhum gosling, citron vert, ginger beer, angostura
Absolut, zubrowka bisons grass + 1€, belvedere + 2€
Vodka, kaluà, espresso
Vodka, jus de citron vert, ginger beer
Vodka, triple sec, jus d'airelles, jus de citron vert
Vodka, liqueur de pêche, liqueur de chambord, jus d'orange, jus d'ananas, jus d'airelles
Camino real, Jose cuervo tradicional + 1€
Tequila, triple sec, jus de citron vert, bitter
Tequila, crème de cassis, triple sec, jus de citron vert, jus d'orange, sirop de grenadine
Tanqueray, beefeater 24, bombay sapphire + 1€, hendrick's + 2€
London dry gin, jus de citron, champagne, sucre en poudre
London dry gin, jus de citron, sirop de sucre, crème de mûre
London dry gin, tonic, baies de genièvre, citron
London dry gin, jus de citron, sirop de sucre, eau pétillante
Gin, chambord, basilic, citron vert, sucre, tonic
Cassonnade, angostura, cognac, champagne
Cognac, cointreau, jus d'orange, sirop de grenadine, champagne
Izarra, menthe, sucre roux, citron vert, angostura bitter
Dry gin, patxaran, saint germain
Vermouth rouge, campari, eau pétillante
London dry gin, campari, vermouth
Aperol, prosecco, eau gazeuse
Cachaca, citron vert frais, sirop de sucre
Bourbon, amaretto, vermouth dry, vermouth rouge
Bourbon, triple sec, liqueur de framboise, jus d'airelles
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